CDE ResMap–CDE 公司生产之电阻值测试系统是以四探针的工艺,以配合各半导体成光伏生产厂家进出之生产品质监控,既超卓可靠又简易操作的设备是半导体及光伏生产厂家不可缺少的
ResMap Model 463-FOUP and 463-OC

Designed to meet the needs of 300 mm high volume manufacturing, the ResMap Model 463-FOUP is an upgrade of the Model 363 and features CDE's patented multiple probe changer - available in either the two or four probe configuration. This unique capability delivers the most cost effective four point probe for conductive film measurements. This model also has an adaptor for 200 mm wafer and 300 mm wafer open cassette loading.
Entrepix - CDE 463-OC
Designed to meet the needs of 300 mm high volume manufacturing, the ResMap Model 463-OC is an upgrade of the Model 363 and features CDE's patented multiple probe changer - available in either the two or four probe configuration. This unique capability delivers the most cost effective four point probe for conductive film measurements. This model is capable of handling 300 mm, 200 mm and 150 mm wafers in open cassettes.