rnrn 主要功能: 围 rnrnrn- 最大基板尺寸: 6 × 6 inch2 rn
- 最小描绘尺寸: 0.9 ?? rn
- 最小描绘网格: 40 nm rn
- 最小直写范围: 125 X 125 mm2 rn
- 先进的灰阶曝光模式 rn
- 实时的自动对焦功能 rn
- 标准 (405 nm)、UV (375 nm) 激光光源 rn
- 多种多样的绘画数据输入格式 (DXF,CIF,BMP) rn
- 用于对位的照相机系统 rn
- 可变换的读写模块 rn
- 支援矢量和栅格曝光模式 rn
- 进阶的软、配套元件
rn rnrn应用范围: rnrnrn- MEMS rn
- Bio-MEMS rn
- iIntegrated-optics rn
- Micro Fluid
rn rnrnTabletop Micro Pattern GeneratorrnThe ??G 101 is an extremely economical and easy to use micro pattern generator for direct writing applications and low volume mask making. The system can be used for applications such as MEMS, Bio MEMS, Integrated Optics, Micro Fluidics or any other application that requires high precision, high-resolution microstructures. rnrnThe ??G 101 offers a very small footprint of only 60 x 75 cm??featuring a compact design with all electronic components integrated into the system. A personal computer is used for system control. The Windows??/sub>based control software makes it easy for users to convert the designs, perform a manual or automatic alignment and start the exposure. rnrnThe ??G 101 is designed to provide an easy and fast way to create the microstructures needed for your business or research. The tabletop system features exchangeable write modes to meet the resolution and write speed requirements of your specific application. It is the only available desktop lithography system in the market, which can produce sub-micron features. The small address grid allows placement of structures with very high accuracy. The real-time autofocus system monitors and corrects focus position during exposure, which guarantees high resolution and repeatability over the entire exposure area. Small address grid and real-time autofocus system are essential features for a professional micr rnrnrn | rn |