Alpao自适应光学软件和即时计算系统 | Holoeye空间光调制器 | ALPAO高速变形镜 | 波前分析仪Phasics | 自适应光学系统 | 数字微反射镜 DMD 数字微镜器件 | 光学元件器件DOE | 光刻仪 |
3D打印系统 | 飞秒激光器 | 皮秒激光器 | 自相关仪 | 超短脉冲测量仪Frog | 超快激光器件 |
高功率连续波OPO | 高功率光纤激光器 | Qioptiq NANO 激光器 | 低噪声窄线宽激光器 | 可调谐激光器 | 半导体激光器和放大器 | SLD和ASE宽带光源 | 双波长输出氦氖激光器 |
QIOPTIQ光纤耦合半导体激光器 | Diode & DPSS_qioptiq | 激光驱动白光光源 | 等离子体宽带光源 | 单色仪 | 光谱仪 | 光栅 | 辐射计 | 防嗮系数分析 | Optogma固体激光器 | Solarlight | 波长选择器 |
激光准直仪 | 红外激光观察镜 | 激光功率能量计 | 光学斩波器 | 光束质量分析仪 | 位敏探测器 | 红外相机 | O/E转换模块探测器 TIA-525S |
太赫兹相机及源 | 太赫兹探测器 | 太赫兹元器件及晶体 | 太赫兹光谱仪 | 太赫兹功率计 |
Optiphase | 微光MOI |
普克尔盒/Pockels Cells | 电光调制器/Electro-Optics Modulators | 法拉第隔离器/Faraday Isolators | SESAM半导体可饱和吸收镜 | 探测器 | EOT高速光电探测器 | 其他未分类 |
电化学ECV 扩散浓度 | 接触电阻测量仪 | 四点探针测试仪 | 少子寿命测试仪 |
平行光管 |
光纤跳线及配件 | 无源器件 |
为满足广大客户在真空环境中对激光光束质量,气流,等离子体密度测量分析,以及光学系统装配的需求。法国phasics推出了新型高精度波前分析仪sid4-v,是目前市场上仅有一款可应用于真空度在10-6 mbar环境中的波前分析仪,广泛应用于高功率激光测试中。
光谱范围从400 nm到1100 nm
真空相容性 | 10-6mbar |
波长范围 | 400 - 1100 nm |
通光孔径 | 3.6 x 4.8 mm2 |
空间分辨率 | 29.6 μm |
采样点(相位/强度) | 160 x 120 (> 19 000 points) |
相位相对灵敏度 | < 2 nm rms |
相位精度 | 10 nm rms |
动态范围 | > 100 μm |
采样频率 | > 100 fps |
实时分析频率 | > 10 fps (full resolution) |
数据接口 | giga ethernet |
尺寸(w x h x l) | 54 x 46 x 75.3 mm |
重量 | ~250 g |
关于phasics:法国phasics公司自主研发的波前传感器是基于其专利的四波横向剪切干涉技术。相较传统的夏克-哈特曼波前探测器具有高分辨率、消色差、高灵敏度、高动态检测范围、操作简便等独特的优势。为波前像差、波前畸变的检测以及激光光束及波前的测量、分析等提供了全新的解决方案。 法国phasics波前传感器生产厂家具有雄厚的技术研发实力,能为客户提供的各种自适应光学系统oa-sys,制定个性化解决方案。可根据客户的应用需求。
1. 激光光束参数测量:相位(2d/3d),m2,束腰位置,直径,泽尼克/勒让德系数
2. 自适应光学:焦斑优化,光束整形
3. 元器件表面质量分析:表面质量(rms,ptv,wfe),曲率半径
4. 光学系统质量分析:mtf, psf, efl, 泽尼克系数, 光学镜头/系统质量控制
5. 热成像分析,等离子体特征分析
6. 生物应用:蛋白质等组织定量相位成像
Phasics is innovating by proposing the first off-the-shelf vacuum compatible wavefront sensor on the market. The SID4 Vis designed to perform wavefront measurements under high vacuum. the wavefront measurement is realized in-situ in the same condition as the experiment. Our new SID4 V vacuum wavefront sensor is also used to characterize laser beams after compression inside the compressor vessel. Finally, gas jet and plasma density are now measured as close to the target as possible.
BENEFITS: With Phasics’s unique strategy it’s now possible to correct the aberrations of every single optical element up to the target location inside the vacuum chamber.
Vacuum compatibility | > 10-6 mbar |
Wavelength range | 400 - 1100 nm |
Aperture dimension | 4.73 x 3.55 mm2 |
maximum NA (optional software necessary) | 0.2 |
Spatial resolution | 29.6 µm |
Phase & intensity sampling | 160 x 120 |
Accuracy | 15 nm RMS |
Resolution (Phase) | 2 nm RMS |
Acquisition rate | 60 fps |
Real-time processing frequency | 7 Hz (full resolution) |
Interface | Giga Ethernet |
MTBF | > 10 years |
Dimensions (w x h x l) | 54 x 46 x 75.3 mm |
Weight | ~ 250 g |
SID4 DENSITY software package supports the whole process to measure gas and plasma electron density. It calculates density maps from phase acquisition. It also offers various options for acquisition and data analysis.
Application | Any axisymmetric monoatomic gas jet/plasma for inverse-Abel transform analysis |
Probe source | White light (halogen), LED, laser or fs-laser |
Pressure | From 2 to 300 bars |
Plasma length | Depends on the imaging system (typically 2 mm long and diameter of 0.2 mm) |
Acquisition | Real Time, programmed, trigger |
Settings | Wavelength, magnification, jet direction, gas type |
Analysis | Density map & profiles, Symmetrization, filters |
Performances such as the spatial resolution or the density resolution entirely depend on both the optical set-up (imaging system, probe source) and the injected gas (molar refractivity). Please contact us for an estimation of specifications for your set-up.
As an example, for an laser produced plasma using an Argon gas jet at working pressure between 2 and 300 bars, the lowest measured Argon density in a single shot is: 1017 particles/cm3 with a nozzle of 1.5 mm diameter.
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