Alpao自适应光学软件和即时计算系统 | Holoeye空间光调制器 | ALPAO高速变形镜 | 波前分析仪Phasics | 自适应光学系统 | 数字微反射镜 DMD 数字微镜器件 | 光学元件器件DOE | 光刻仪 |
3D打印系统 | 飞秒激光器 | 皮秒激光器 | 自相关仪 | 超短脉冲测量仪Frog | 超快激光器件 |
高功率连续波OPO | 高功率光纤激光器 | Qioptiq NANO 激光器 | 低噪声窄线宽激光器 | 可调谐激光器 | 半导体激光器和放大器 | SLD和ASE宽带光源 | 双波长输出氦氖激光器 |
QIOPTIQ光纤耦合半导体激光器 | Diode & DPSS_qioptiq | 激光驱动白光光源 | 等离子体宽带光源 | 单色仪 | 光谱仪 | 光栅 | 辐射计 | 防嗮系数分析 | Optogma固体激光器 | Solarlight | 波长选择器 |
激光准直仪 | 红外激光观察镜 | 激光功率能量计 | 光学斩波器 | 光束质量分析仪 | 位敏探测器 | 红外相机 | O/E转换模块探测器 TIA-525S |
太赫兹相机及源 | 太赫兹探测器 | 太赫兹元器件及晶体 | 太赫兹光谱仪 | 太赫兹功率计 |
Optiphase | 微光MOI |
普克尔盒/Pockels Cells | 电光调制器/Electro-Optics Modulators | 法拉第隔离器/Faraday Isolators | SESAM半导体可饱和吸收镜 | 探测器 | EOT高速光电探测器 | 其他未分类 |
电化学ECV 扩散浓度 | 接触电阻测量仪 | 四点探针测试仪 | 少子寿命测试仪 |
平行光管 |
光纤跳线及配件 | 无源器件 |
Spectral Response / Quantum Efficiency / IPCE Measurement Systems
r rThese systems can measure a wide variety of photovoltaic devices, including p-n junction and dye-nanocrystalline solar cells (DSSCs).
r rr
All systems include a light source, monochromator, filters, and reflective optics to provide monochromatic light to a photovoltaic device while a broadband bias light illuminates the test device to simulate end-use conditions. A computer interfaces with the monochromator, signal conditioning equipment, and digital signal processing equipment; interprets signals; maintains calibration information; saves test data; and produces test reports. Different models include different features and can be configured with different options.
r rBasic System Features
r r??Dual grating monochromator with computer control
??Filter wheel with order-sorting and stray light attenuation filters
??Calibrated reference photodiode
??Line filter for wavelength calibration verification
??White bias light source
??Simultaneous measurement of device response and light intensity
??Easy-to-use graphical user interface
??Computer, LCD monitor, keyboard, and color printer
??300-1100 nm (Model QEX7) or 360-1100 nm (Model QEW7) wavelength range
??Monochromatic light spectral bandwidth approximately 5 nm (user changeable)
??Selectable wavelength interval (default 5 nm)
??Calculates Jsc estimate using reference spectrum
??Instruction manual
r r??Setup and training at customer site
??Reflectance and IQE measurement capability (Model QEX7)
??1100-1400 nm or 1100-1700 nm wavelength range extension
??DC Measurement Mode Capability
??Test fixture and contacting mechanism designed to meet your requirements
??Temperature control for the test fixture
??Multi-junction device measurement capability
Example QE measurements of single-junction solar cells
r rr
Example QE measurement of a triple-junction solar cell