Holoeye空间光调制器 | ALPAO高速变形镜 | 波前分析仪Phasics | 自适应光学系统 | 数字微反射镜 DMD 数字微镜器件 | 光学元件器件DOE | 光刻仪 |
飞秒激光器 | 皮秒激光器 | 自相关仪 | 超短脉冲测量仪Frog | 超快激光器件 |
高功率连续波OPO | 高功率光纤激光器 | Qioptiq NANO 激光器 | 低噪声窄线宽激光器 | 可调谐激光器 | 半导体激光器和放大器 | SLD和ASE宽带光源 | 双波长输出氦氖激光器 |
QIOPTIQ光纤耦合半导体激光器 | Diode & DPSS_qioptiq | 激光驱动白光光源 | 等离子体宽带光源 | 单色仪 | 光谱仪 | 光栅 | 辐射计 | 防嗮系数分析 | Optogma固体激光器 | Solarlight | 波长选择器 |
激光准直仪 | 红外激光观察镜 | 激光功率能量计 | 光学斩波器 | 光束质量分析仪 | 位敏探测器 | 红外相机 | O/E转换模块探测器 TIA-525S |
太赫兹相机及源 | 太赫兹探测器 | 太赫兹元器件及晶体 | 太赫兹光谱仪 | 太赫兹功率计 |
Optiphase | 微光MOI |
普克尔盒/Pockels Cells | 电光调制器/Electro-Optics Modulators | 法拉第隔离器/Faraday Isolators | SESAM半导体可饱和吸收镜 | 探测器 | EOT高速光电探测器 | 其他未分类 |
电化学ECV 扩散浓度 | 接触电阻测量仪 | 四点探针测试仪 | 少子寿命测试仪 |
平行光管 |
光纤跳线及配件 | 无源器件 |
BATOP GmbH成立于2003年,是一家隶属于德国耶拿大学的私人创新型公司。BATOP从事的专业领域包括:低温分子束外延技术,介质溅射镀膜,晶圆加工和芯片安装技术。在过去几年里, BATOP 已成为一个用于被动锁模激光器的可饱和吸收体的世界领先的供应商。可饱和吸收产品集合了各式各样的不同的器件,从可饱和吸收镜(SAM™),到可饱和输出镜(SOC)和用于透过应用的可饱和吸收体(SA)。迄今为止,可饱和吸收产品已经覆盖了800nm到2.6µm的常用激光波长范围。另一个产品系列是用于太赫兹发射和探测的太赫兹光电导天线(PCA)。BATOP不仅提供单带隙天线,还包括整合了微透镜的高能大狭缝交叉天线阵列和整套的太赫兹光谱仪。 太赫兹光电导天线的激发波长为800nm到1550nm之间。BATOP借助强大的研发能力来不断提高自己的产品, 我们始终和客户在一起,最好的满足他们的需求。
PCA - Photoconductive antenna for Terahertz waves
-> see poster: "PCA survey" (2 MB) (pdf), "Photomixing" (pdf) "THz antenna mounting options" (pdf),
PCA product list
Wavelength region 530 nm ... 860 nm:
Wavelength region 800 nm ... 1100 nm:
Wavelength region 1000 nm ... 1550 nm:
PCA - Photoconductive antenna as terahertz transmitter
A photoconductive antenna, consisting of a low temperature grown GaAs or InGaAs film covered with metallic contacts can be used as an optical excited broadband terahertz emitter for time domain measurements or as photomixer. Typically an alternating voltage is supplied to the electrical contacts of the transmitter antenna to allow a lock-in measurement. There are at least two important antenna parameters: the length l and the gap distance g. The length l determines the prefered emitted frequency at theresonance condition. The gap of the transmitter antenna between the metallic contacts can be larger than the laser spot diameter.
The PCA can be accomplished with a hyperhemispherical or an aspheric silicon substrate lens to increase the extraction efficiency for THz waves.
PCA terahertz receiver
The PCA receiver has the same design as the transmitter. The optimal gap between the metallic contacts is about equal to the laser spot diameter. A current amplifier connected to the antenna contacts delivers a signal proportional to the terahertz electric field strength.
iPCA - large area interdigital photoconductive antenna
The iPCA is designated as high power THz transmitter, but can be used also as sensitive large area THz receiver. The interdigital antenna with a proprietary lens arrayconverts high power laser pulses up to mean power levels of 5 W with a high power conversion efficiency of ~ 10-4 into broadband THz pulses. More about iPCA ...
Trademark iPCA™
iPCA is a trademark of BATOP GmbH registered under the number 30 2008 027 538 at the Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt in Germany.
Recommended use of PCAs
Type of antennaemitterdetectorlow THz frequenyhigh THz frequenylow optical powerhigh optical power PCA1 - butterfly antenna + ++ ++ - - + PCA2 - parallel line antenna ++ + - ++ + - PCA3 - bow-tie antenna + ++ + + + - iPCA - large area interdigital array ++ ++ - ++ - ++ PCA - finger gap antenna + + + + ++ - SPCA - logarithmic spiral antenna ++ ++ ++ - + -
Rayscience Optoelectronic Innovation Co., Ltd
电话:021-34635258 ,400-008-1064
E-mail: saleschina@rayscience.com
Web: www.rayscience.com